At just 3 years old, Suresh Bhulun has shown incredible strength in his journey with blood cancer. Originally from Godavari, Suresh and his family are now staying at Leo’s Kids P-Flats in Patan while he undergoes chemotherapy at Patan Hospital.
Suresh’s parents, Maila and Laxmi, are farmers who have faced immense challenges since his diagnosis. What started as a simple fever led to visits to Ananda Nagar and then Patan Hospital, where their world changed with the diagnosis of cancer. Despite the difficulties, this brave little boy continues his fight with courage and resilience.
We are committed to supporting Suresh and his family through this journey, providing them with a safe place to stay and the resources they need during treatment.
Thank you to everyone who has supported our mission to create a community of hope, care, and strength for Leo’s Kids.
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