Stepping with Strength: Leo’s Kids’ Hospital Journey
Some of you might wonder how far the hospital is and how our Leo’s Kids get there for their check-ups. Well, Sunil had the opportunity to take a walk with our 103rd Leo’s Kid, Anisha, and her dad from Arlene Miskelly Memorial Flats to Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital.
The journey from the flats to the hospital is a testament to the strength and resilience of these young warriors and their families. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes, and along the way, they cross bustling streets, navigate a major highway intersection, pass by several temples, cross a bridge, journey through a bus park, explore a bazaar, and even pass the Red Cross Blood Center. They go past several schools, walk through neighborhoods, and traverse winding alley roads.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Team Leo’s Kids for your ongoing support, ensuring that these children and their families remain in your prayers.
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