❤️ Ishan is a 5-year-old boy from Dolakha, Nepal who has faced several health challenges. In September, he had nail shedding, a fever, and a stomach ache, which led to the diagnosis of an appendix that needed to be removed through surgery at the Ishan Children & Women’s Hospital.
💐 Despite the surgery, Ishan still had a regular fever, so his parents sought further treatment at the Helping Hands Community Hospital, which then referred them to the Kanti Children’s Hospital in Kathmandu.
🏥 Currently, Ishan is undergoing treatment for neuroblastoma, having completed 5 rounds of active treatment with 3 more rounds to go. While his mother reports that Ishan is feeling better these days, the treatment has made it difficult for him to eat due to nausea.
🏡 Ishan is staying with his parents in Sukedhara and enjoys playing with his sister.
🌸 We deeply appreciate those of you who are able to partner with us financially to support these precious children and families either with a one-time donation or a monthly donation. This helps ensure our ability to provide ongoing support to these families in their time of crisis.
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