👧🏻Our 124th Leo’s Kid Aruna Nepali, a 12-year-old, is from Parbat, which lies in the Eastern Development Region of Nepal. Aruna has one older brother and one younger brother, and their main source of livelihood is farming.
🎗️Earlier this year, in February, Aruna began experiencing nosebleeds and headaches. Concerned, her parents took her to Bharatpur Hospital in Chitwan, where she was then referred to Patan Hospital to see Dr. Sucharita. It was there that she received a cancer diagnosis. During her treatment, she also spent 11 days in the ICU. Aruna’s mother reports that her condition has been improving lately.
🏡Currently, Aruna, along with her parents, is staying at Leo’s Kids P-Flat. Prior to her diagnosis, she was studying in the 7th grade in her hometown. Aruna is known to be a reserved and introverted child who enjoyed spending time with her two brothers back home.
🙏🏽We are grateful beyond measure for those of you who have chosen to partner with us in our mission to support the precious children and families affected by cancer in Nepal. Your generosity through either a one-time or monthly donation is imperative to our ability to provide ongoing support during their time of crisis.
🙏🏽 You can donate directly from this post or through our website: https://LeoNepal.org/donate