Meet Aayansh Tharu, a brave 15-month-old boy from Baujapur who is battling a tumor. Aayansh is currently receiving treatment at Patan Hospital and staying at Leo’s Kids P-flat with his family.
Aayansh’s journey began with fever and swelling in his stomach. He was initially taken to Nepaljung Hospital, where symptoms of cancer were detected. From there, he was referred to Kanti Children’s Hospital for 15 days of treatment and then to Patan Hospital for further care.
Aayansh’s parents, Diwas and Mina Tharu, are both farmers. Despite the challenges they face, their love and dedication to Aayansh remain unwavering. Aayansh loves to play with toys, bringing joy to those around him even during difficult times.
A heartfelt thank you to our incredible Team Leo’s Kids for their continuous support. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of children battling cancer.
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