Meet Yujisma Budamagar, a brave 9-year-old girl from Butwal, currently battling a Yolk sac tumors. She is receiving treatment at Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital and staying at the Arlene Miskelly Memorial in the Suyana Limbu Room.
Yujisma’s family includes her father, Motilal, a construction worker, and her mother, Bimala, a housewife. She enjoys playing street games with her friends and is a 4th-grade student at Kalika School (Manavgyan), where her favorite subject is math.
Her journey began in March 2024 when she fell a little sick. Her parents took her to Lumbini Province Hospital for a biopsy. After the results, they were referred to Civil Hospital and then to Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital.
We are grateful to our incredible Team Leo’s Kids for their unwavering support. Together, we stand by Yujisma and her family through this challenging time.
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