Hey everyone! We have some incredible news to share with you all! Sunil, will be traveling to the UK from July 3rd until July 10th. This is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with our wonderful UK Leo’s Kids team members in person!
We truly believe that personal connections are the building blocks of our incredible journey, where we support children with cancer and their families in Nepal. Your unwavering support over the years has made an enormous impact, and we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you.
If any of you have the time and are available to meet during Sunil’s visit, please don’t hesitate to send us a direct message here on Facebook. We would absolutely love to meet you and personally thank you for your exceptional dedication in supporting our Leo’s Kids who are bravely fighting cancer.
Let’s make this trip unforgettable and show our Leo’s Kids team members in the UK how much we appreciate them! 🌟❤️
🙏🏽We are grateful beyond measure for those of you who have chosen to partner with us in our mission to support the precious children and families affected by cancer in Nepal. Your generosity through either a one-time or monthly donation is imperative to our ability to provide ongoing support during their time of crisis.
🙏🏽 You can donate directly from this post or through our website: https://LeoNepal.org/donate