👧🏻5-year-old Shiwani had nose bleeding so her parents took her to Janakpur Hospital for treatment where they referred her to Kanti Children’s Hospital in Kathmandu. Her condition couldn’t be diagnosed there.
🏥So her parents then took her to Delhi at All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Hospital where she was diagnosed and the doctors there recommended a bone marrow transplant. Due to their financial condition they came to Patan Hospital for treatment.
❤️Darling Shiwani is continuing with treatment for aplastic anemia which is treated by the same oncologists as the rest of our Leo’s Kids because it is a serious blood disorder. Doctor Sucharita from Patan Hospital brought Shiwani to our attention since her family needed a place to stay.
🏡Shiwani is now staying with her mom and dad at Leo’s Kids P-Flats. Shiwani loves to play with doll and also enjoys drawing.
🌸 We deeply appreciate those of you who are able to partner with us financially to support these precious children and families either with a one-time donation or a monthly donation. This helps ensure our ability to provide ongoing support to these families in their time of crisis.
🙏🏽 Please like and share this post with anyone you know who might be interested in the important work Team Leo’s Kids is doing to help support children with cancer in Nepal along with their families.