2 1/2-year-old Sagar and his dad joined us recently for a Leo’s Kids Care Meeting when his dad told us Sagar is doing well. He had just returned home from his latest round of treatment for liver cancer.
This sweet boy is our 66th Leo’s Kid and is really cheerful and very loving to his daddy . He especially loved to be held by his dad.
Sagar’s favorite food in our B-Flats is any kind of meat. He eats really well and enjoys the toys and watching tv is his down time.
We deeply appreciate those of you who are able to partner with us financially to support these precious children and families either with a one-time donation or a monthly donation. This helps ensure our ability to provide ongoing support to these families in their time of crisis.
Please like and share this post with anyone you know who might be interested in the important work Team Leo’s Kids is doing to help support children with cancer in Nepal along with their families.