🗓Shrawan 15 is also known as Kheer Khane Din or rice pudding eating day and marks the end of the paddy planting season. It is celebrated lavishly to commemorate the accomplishments of all the farmers who work hard throughout that period.
🍚However, Shrawan 15 would be incomplete without the mouthwatering kheer. Kheer is a sweet rice pudding that is considered a pure food. As delicious as it is, it is quite easy to prepare and is loved by all.
🍛Leo’s Kids and their families, many of whom are part of farming families back home, celebrated this day by preparing Kheer and enjoyed the delicious meal together.
🌸 We deeply appreciate those of you who are able to partner with us financially to support these precious children and families either with a one-time donation or a monthly donation. This helps ensure our ability to provide ongoing support to these families in their time of crisis.
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